Why Dissertation Results Section Is The Most Important Part

Writing the findings and discussion chapters of a dissertation or thesis might be the project’s most exciting and challenging parts. Depending on the requirements of your institution and your own choice, Dissertation help service may write each of these parts individually or combine them into a single chapter. The two methods each have their merits. If we split the results and discussion into two parts, we can write the former without thinking about the consequences of your findings as we write the latter. Dissertation writing services might help you concentrate on the meaning of the findings and arrange them in your thoughts. Results and implications are closely related, yet many individuals find it simpler to mix the two.

Importance of Result Section in Dissertation

Critical experimental data, including those of any statistical analysis and their significance, should be presented in the Results section. If there is research that lends credence to your understanding of the importance, we should reference it. Even for a doctoral dissertation, dissertation writing services do not have to list every single item you provided or we did. However, most of your work will likely need to be included in a thesis for your undergraduate or graduate degree. Since discussing past events, dissertation writing services should write the outcomes section using the past tense.


“It is required that each included result has a corresponding technique described in the methods section. To be sure, double-check that you have included all the necessary procedures. If you opt not to include a particular set of tests in your findings, you should exclude any reference to the technique used to get those results”.

Whether you are not sure if a particular set of findings should be included, so we are here dissertation help service should review your research questions and determine if the findings are relevant to them. They are irrelevant regardless of whether they are encouraging or not. We should include them if they are applicable. After settling on the details to add, we will need to priorities them. Dissertation writing services may arrange it in chronological order (which should come after the techniques), from most essential to least, or according to your research questions and hypotheses. It would help if we also considered whether your findings would best be presented in text, tables, figures, or graphs. Writing Service in UK use creative presenting strategies and remember your audience to get the best results. A single table and a well-selected graph that explains your general conclusions will make things much more explicit than 20 pages of complex tables and five pages of graphics. Include a number and a brief title for each table and figure. Tables and figures should be numbered separately from the text but in the order in which they are first mentioned. The table of contents and a list of tables and figures, if there are more than two or three, should be included at the beginning of the dissertation.

Important Suggestion

Always specify the kind and magnitude of the shift, and include a percentage of the shift if applicable. The results of statistical tests, such as p-values or confidence limits, should be reported in full. Your primary sources need not be included here; nevertheless, it is an excellent form to have them accessible in an appendix that you may refer to as necessary. For Instance, Appendix A includes information on each interviewee, and Appendix B provides transcripts of all interviews.

Writing Service in UK will almost immediately discover that they need to add a brief summary of your findings here. The discussion part is the place to detail how your findings support your hypothesis and provide answers to your research questions. However, this section should stick to evaluating the quality and reliability of the data themselves.

Discussion Section of the Results in Dissertation

For this section to accomplish its four goals, it must:

  • Discuss the meaning of your findings.
  • Explain in light of your study’s central question.
  • Justify your method.
  • Study your findings critically.

Your results must be placed in the context of the relevant literature and prior research in the discussion section. Writing Service in UK must also show that you know the research’s limitations and how they may affect future policy and practice. The present tense is preferred for this section’s writing. Your findings and the references we include in the literature review should flow naturally into the Discussion section. Verify that your results section fully addresses all of the issues raised.


“Check the requirements carefully to see whether you need to include a separate section on policy and practice suggestions or future research”.

To Begin the Process

“The ideal way to write this part is first to outline, in which you explain the big picture of your argument and how your data back it up. You may find tools like mind mapping to help generate a preliminary outline; check out our page: Creative Thinking for more suggestions about how to think through your ideas. First, you should circle back to your original research questions; secondly, describe your findings; last, place your findings within the context of the relevant literature and theoretical framework”.

Important Suggestion

“This is probably one of the longer chapters in your dissertation, so it is a good idea to divide it up using sub-headings to make it easier to read”.

Fleshing Out the Detail

Having your outline in front of us will allow us to begin seeing how your findings connect to the bigger picture.

Writing out your study as a Writing Service in the UK go along will help us identify whether your findings are too concentrated in one area. For each topic or subtopic, we should describe whether or not the findings are in line with your expectations and the literature and how they contribute to answering your research question.

Respecting Divergences

If your findings are contentious or otherwise non-expected, we should provide a thorough background and rationale for reaching those conclusions.

Possible causes include a sample that was not typical of the population for convenience, a response rate biased toward people with a certain experience, or your participation as a participant in a sociological study.

You should not apologies to them; instead, we should explain why you made the decision you did in the methods section. It is important to compare your findings to those of others, mainly if there are discrepancies. An essential aspect of a well-written discussion section is a thorough examination of the research’s caveats.

Important Suggestion

“If you have not already done so as a separate submission, now is an excellent time to go back and update your literature review to include additional relevant research”.

Conclude by briefly summarizing your results’ implications, explaining why they are significant for researchers and practice, and suggesting areas where further study is needed.

It is also a good idea to suggest changes to the current method. Again, this might be its part or woven throughout your analysis.


The most important parts of your dissertation are the results and their discussion, which should include a conclusion and suggestions. Having done so with Dissertation help service, you may finally start to sigh of relief; you have reached the last phases of writing with dissertation writing services!

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